F. W. Alden (1873-1955)
When Snakes Began to Nurse Their Young
'99 Badger
The Badger Pharmacist
Jocko-Homo Heavenbound
Puddle to Paradise
The Toadstool Among the Tombs
When Snakes Began to Nurse Their Young
100 Questions for Teachers of Evolution
Alibi, Lullaby, By-by
The Gee-Haw of the Modern Jehu
The "Seven Thunders" of Millennial Dawn
Rastus Agustus Explains Evolution
Buzzard Eggs in the Eagle's Nest
Mistakes God Did Not Make
Dust and Deity
Man, the Harness Maker
Stopping the Stork
Eagle Wings and Asking for the Unwanted


When Snakes Began To Nurse Their Young, an 8 page pamphlet published in 1926 by Rev. B. H. Shadduck, was a satirical response to an editorial by Arthur Brisbane, whose syndicated columns appeared in Hearst newspapers across America).  This pamphlet, along with others, was given away when the 32 page booklets were ordered during the years 1926-29.  The cover (shown above) was drawn by Alden.  The back cover illustration (by P. H. Kadey) is not featured on his site (see 'links' page in menu at left).
